Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nestle Milkybar

BEST WHITE CHOCOLATE EVER. This is like the melth-in-your-mouth candy version of sweetened condensed milk. Milkybar has a strong vanilla and milk flavour, which makes it so damn good. Absolutely great tasting <3 When you open the wrapper, the smell of this white chocolate bar is verrryyy verrryyy tempting. Texture-wise, milkybar is smooth and creamy and quite easy to break up into smaller pieces. Have I said "yummmm..."? I always end up eating the whole 180g of this heavenly stuff. Well yeah it's very sweet, like every other white chocolate. However, this white chocolate doesn't make me feel sick after eating too much of it. I have a huge sugar and chocolte craving, so I don't really mind the high sugar content of milkybar. Oohh and milkybar is also the cheapest compared to other white chocolates in Australian market. The only downside is the high fat content (34g of fat in 100g milkybar). But milkybar is really worth the calories and you could just burn off all the calories from this candy bar by running on treadmill for hours anyway ;)

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